We are a First Responder Organization delivering our emergency medical services and communications utilizing the unique mobility and flexibility of motorcycles when applicable. We service both mobile and fixed base or standby events. But you don't need to ride a motorcycle or have a ham license to help out.

We provide education and Emergency Medical Services using state certified medics and communications services via FCC licensed Amateur Radio Operators, for community events sponsored by both non-profit and for-profit organizations.

It helps (but is not required) if you:

  • own, ride, or have a motorcycle license. However, MMRT's mission focuses on supporting our community with our services using motorcycles when appropriate. MMRT does not judge the worthiness of its member by whether they do or do not ride and or own a motorcycle.
  • are a Texas State Certified Pre-hospital Personnel (ECA, EMT, AEMT, and EMTP/LP). All members must successfully complete proficiency or maintain currency in a provider type CPR with AED Basic Life Support (BLS) approved program.
  • are a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Licensed Amateur Radio Operator (HAM), or own ham equipment. The majority of our communications is conducted using amateur radio which is regulated by the FCC. We encourage members to acquire a minimum level amateur radio operator license so they may effectively communicate with other members during our events.

MMRT is a Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) registered First Responder Organization (FRO). Our medical members are state certified and have Medical Direction under Dr. Mark Ackrell. Dr. Ackrell is also an associate director with the Austin/Travis County EMS system's Office of the Chief Medical Officer.

MMRT communications members are FCC licensed Amateur Radio Operators and have two primary roles. One is to provide net control or dispatch services for our medical operations and event partners. The other is to provide communications support to our partners that are not authorized to operate amateur radio equipment and member who have not yet obtained their FCC amateur radio operator license.

MMRT members are expected to be available and actively volunteer their time at MMRT-supported events and meetings (general and training). If you have a genuine desire to be part of an organization to volunteer your time and talents in supporting your community with our type of services, then MMRT may be for you.


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